Welcome to the Passion Center!
We are a Phygital Faith Community and Missional Training Center!

At the Passion Center, we are a holistically-minded, justice-oriented, liberative community of Jesus followers. We passionately and purposefully educate and encourage people to draw on their faith to build a more just world. Our community believes that as disciples of Jesus, we are called to be God's love language to the world!

The Place I Fit Will Not Exist Until I Make It

Our Distinctives As A Faith Community

Holistic Faith: Embracing a comprehensive approach to spirituality that integrates body, mind, and spirit.

Justice Orientation: Advocating for justice and actively working towards systemic change.

Liberative Practice: Promoting liberation theology and empowering marginalized communities.

Cultural Reclamation: Celebrating and honoring the cultural heritage and spiritual traditions of oppressed peoples.

Join us as we follow Jesus, love people, and pursue justice together!

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Where You Are Spiritually Formed Matters

We believe in discipling a generation of reconciling, justice oriented Jesus followers who care about the world around them.

This is US.

We hope you'll find a home here. 

The Passion Center is affiliated with:

 The Council of Holistic Christian Churches & Ministries,

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and Florida Region Disciples



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Ways To Connect